Learning Data Science

Miguel Angel Santana II, MBA
3 min readDec 5, 2020

New Student, New Career Path

Technology and Information

Data Science is described as the process of procuring, organizing and leveraging information to drive the effectiveness of data driven decision making. Data Science and Technology are closely intertwined. As technology continues to develop, more and more consumers connect to the internet as a result of lower cost and higher performance. Internet users many times unknowingly leave traces of search history, preferences, login information and so much more. It is estimated that 4.57 billion users connect to the internet each day [1]. Each time they do, they leave a digital footprint that can be gathered as data.

The type of data left online can be composed of almost anything. This stems from the fact that younger and older generations have begun to connect to the internet due to the advancement of user-friendly interfaces in combination with a significantly larger part of our workforce working remotely through cloud-based services. In addition, younger generations have entangled their culture with a globalized view of the world that is only made possible through online connection. This is further developed by circumstances of our environment, with more and more people electing to stay indoors and connect online due to the global pandemic caused by COVID-19.

In addition to leaving information saved on cloud services, web browsers and retail sites; popular social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok are major hubs for sharing sensitive and personal data. Surveys conducted in 2019 by the Pew Research Center illustrate that seventy-two percent of adults in the United States use some type of social media [2]. Every image uploaded, “like” button pressed and page followed represents information representative of individuals across various ages, income brackets, education levels and geographic locations.

In an age where everyone is connected online, producers are forced into competition with organizations halfway around the world due to the internet and the development of globalization. Whether you are a small business owner, large business owner, blogger, photographer or video gamer; the exponential increase in exposure to competition and creativity makes Data Science one of the most important skillsets of our generation.

Enter Data Scientists

Data Science is an immeasurable skillset in any professional capacity. From finding qualified candidates, to hiring, training, managing, and measuring the most important factors in the workplace which include but are not limited to; safety, regulations, employees and customers. Data Scientists excel in driving significant, effective and actionable change. Moreover, data scientists are respected highly amongst organizational executives. As a professional you are tasked with seeing what others cannot see, using your skillset to assess risk, making predictions and leveraging established relationships to ultimately lead your team to victory.

The role of Data Scientist is both lucrative in salary and in importance. Data Scientists will be responsible for creating a new generation of products, services and processes that serve business needs while addressing social and ethical responsibilities. Data Science and technology will only continue to grow leading to higher demand for Data Scientist roles. Whether for personal or professional growth, knowledge of Data Science is an asset with almost unlimited potential that commands respect and continues to impact the way we develop as a society. Invest in yourself because Data Science is here to stay.


J. Clement (2020) Global digital population as of July 2020. In: Statista. https://www.statista.com/statistics/617136/digital-population-worldwide/. Accessed 27 JULY 2020.

Pew Research Center (2019) Social Media Fact Sheet. In: Internet & Technology. https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/social-media/. Accessed 27 JULY 2020.



Miguel Angel Santana II, MBA

Data Scientist who enjoys awesome collaborative work environments. When not coding, I spend time with family and fight my pug as he barks at strangers.